UPDATE : Eating Rome launches on April 7. You can pre-order your copy here.
One of the reasons that I began this blog was to help publicize my last book. When I wrote Italian Rustic my publisher suggested that a blog (what was that?) would help sales. That, plus social media, was supposed to take the place of old fashioned advertising. Instead of a book tour there was Facebook, Twitter and something called Pinterest. Well, ok then.
While this blog may have started out covering topics related to that book, it’s turned into something completely different over the last 5 years. Not surprisingly food has turned out to be the main topic of discussion. Recipes, restaurants, meals, markets and just about any other food-related subject has managed to fill up over 700 entries. Yup, 730 to be exact. Most of which take place in the city I call home: Rome.
If my foray into the blogosphere was a way to deal with the changes in the wide world of publishing (i.e. people aren’t reading books any more) a funny thing happened along the way. Not only were a lot people reading my blog, but some of those people (book publishers to be exact) decided that, well, maybe this blog thing deserved to be a book thing.
So here it is: Eating Rome. Well, not the book quite yet (that’s coming in Spring 2015) but the cover. As it turns out one of my most loyal readers is an editor at St. Martin’s Press, and the fan letter he wrote to me 2 years ago contained the exciting proposal to transform the stories, recipes and advice that he first read on my blog into book. (thank you Michael!)
The book is now done and delivered (Yay!) and was a complete joy to write. The blog turned out to be just the starting point for a collection of stories, recipes, lists and tips that I’ve collected over the years I’ve spent eating my way through Rome. I’ll be telling you more about Eating Rome in the coming months leading up to the publication date. But for now I wanted to share the cover with you. Many thanks to Olga Grich for the gorgeous design.
I love it! I hope you do too.
PS: Even though the publication date is months away, you can pre-order your copy at Amazon here. And at Barnes and Noble here.
I recently found your blog when looking for a best pizzeria in Rome. I think your blog is very useful and interesting to read. My husband (french) and I (japanese) are going to Rome in early August. This is our second time trip to Rome. Last time we went to one of the Michelin star restaurants and some easy restaurants there. But this time, we are afraid many restaurants are closed during our trip.
I am soooo proud!!!!
James and I are excited about your new book and will order it asap.
There’s no place like Rome for just about anything….food is at the top of the list.
Congratulations to you. I only wish I didn’t have to wait another year to get it!
The cover looks so nicely designed, with a little surreal effect of light in the upper photograph! Congratulations Elizabeth! Your recipes are always so incredibly amazing and pragmatic (i.e. doable; I couldn’t think of another word). Your writing style is also so thorough all the time and paints such engaging pictures of life in Rome and other parts of Italy as well.
I have a whole bookcase devoted to Italy. Heritage, Lingua, Aerial Views, Architecture, Living, Cooking,
Being, Gardens, Venice, Tuscano, Sicilian, Deaming, topics, places, adventures, amore.
There are so many categories I really find it amazing. I’m not an avid reader…but any book, did mention Sophia, oh mama!…any book on anything Italian draws my attention. Its nice because my family always knows what to get me
Needless to say my bookcase shall have special spot for the all of yours.
I cant wait.
Hurrah! Pre-ordered!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cover! I can’t wait to read it!
The cover alone looks promising. Can’t wait.
I’ve just pre-ordered. I also wish it wasn’t a year away, but it’s something to look forward to. 🙂
Can’t wait to get an autographed copy of this book. It will surely be a winner.
In the meantime, what are your suggestions for this summer’s pop-up restaurants.? You were spot on for last summer and we are arriving in Rome again next week. It’s time to eat and dance along the Tiber, or whatever!
Thanks for the kind words about the book! Sadly, the pop up restaurants have been denied permission to set up on the Tiber Island this year. Evidently the Festa dell’Unita is going on right now, until July 16, on the via di Porta Ardeatina, but I haven’t been there yet, so can’t report back.
Thanks for the quick response. So we shall go to Colline Emiliane instead!
How wonderful! Many congratulations!! I cannot wait to get my copy – certainly something to look forward to next Spring.
Congratulations, Elizabeth, and Yay for Eating Rome!
I love an actual printed book, especially when traveling & now there will be an analog way to keep in the loop on la cucina Romana 🙂
Elizabeth, what a great website. I look forward to every new entry. Congrats on the new book. While I’ve never tried a blog, I know how much dedication “owning” one must take. I’ve come across so many food blogs that were last updated this past May, or December of last year, or April of the year before. So, thank you for all the work. To me Italian food means taste plus health. A rear combination these days. Sincerely, Mark.
Correction: A rare combination . . .
Bellisima! I cannot wait to get my copy! I was at Bellezza Home and Garden in Newton MA last week, buying more Solimene pottery of course, and spied one of your books for sale in the shop! The owners said how much they enjoyed your books! Best wishes on a successful launch! Hoping you come to Boston on a book tour!
Can’t wait to get a copy and give many other copies away as gifts!
I am so excited to get this! Auguri!!!
I loved my tour with you and the blog and Instagram pictures continue to make me happy and hungry. I’ve pre-ordered!
Great being with you too! Thanks for pre-ordering it.
Congratulations Elizabeth and good luck! Looking forward to it…and love the cover!
Congratulations, Elizabeth. That is wonderful news.
Congratulations! This is going on my Christmas list.
Congratulations Elizabeth! This is going on my Christmas list. Your blog and your app have been an integral part of our trips to Rome. And of course no trip to Rome is complete with out a food tour with you.
how do I buy your app for eating in Venice as I have an android phone?
Eat Venice is actually available on Google Play for Android. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.eat.venice.guide948