It’s December and I can’t stop thinking about presents. Presents I want to buy. But – more to the point – presents I want to receive. (It’s also my birthday this month!) Almost every year Santa (a.k.a. Domenico, my Italian architect husband) buys be a gorgeous piece of jewelry. This year I have told Santa that I only want a new laptop, nothing else. Which makes me kinda sad, because I can’t stop thinking about those earrings I saw at my favorite jewelry store in Rome, Massimo Maria Melis.
I figure at the very least I can live vicariously this year through this blog post, hoping that anyone reading this will receive (or buy) something at this extraordinary shop.

Hi Elizabeth,
I have written you 1 or 2 times before but I have read your blog, bought your books & apps.
I was double checking the email address of “my” favorite jeweler in Rome & your column came up. We visit Rome every maggio & one of our first stops is to visit Massimo, his wife, beautiful daughter (if she’s there) & the gorgeous g-daugther. (She hadn’t had her 2nd baby the last time we visited).
Any way. thanks for all your great writings & hopefully we’ll catch each other (maybe for a coffee or pastry) some time in Rome or elsewhere. You are sooooooooooo lucky…. but I know you are aware of that.
un abbraccio