I just spent the last 8 hours wandering through the Salone del Gusto and so far only managed to work my way through about 1/4 of the stands. It’s 7:30pm and believe it or not, I’m actually hungry. But before I run off to dinner I’ll post a few of my favorite images from today. The provolone above is as big as it looks. Everyone seems to bring the biggest possible things to the Salone.
Here are some gorgeously wierd red eggplants. Yes, eggplants, from Basilicata.
Love the color of this celery, which is pink and come from….I can’t find the card about this in my pile of stuff! But isn’t it gorgeous?
These little boxes contain tubes of white truffle paste. I love the old fashioned box, full of tubes of paste!
Off to dinner….more tomorrow. (sorry about the formatting. Blogger is doing weird stuff)
Hey that red celery is a “new” introduction here in the US. Check it out!
Thanks Evan. Wish you were here too!!! Not as fun without you. 🙁
Will have to see if I can find red celery here in North Carolina. Looks great!!!
Thanks so much for sharing your discoveries! I’m jealous that you’re there but I hope that you are having a fab time- keep up the posts!
those eggplants are gorgeous!
Would you be so kind as to indicate the name of the producer of the Puré di Tartufi Bianci ? I don’t expect to find it in Paris but perhaps on my next visit to Italy. Merci
@Linda: For some reason I can’t seem to find this information in my notes! but pure of Tartufi Bianchi shouldn’t be that hard to find. Which cities will you be in in Italy, I can give you the names of a few stores.