When I have a choice I almost always opt for casual over formal. But in the summer? If I can keep my bathing suit on and flip flops are required, then I’m there. Last week, while I was in Abruzzo, I had many meticulously prepared, pasta-centric meals all over the region while I was being hosted by Rustichella. But as delicious as they all were one of my favorites was the simplest: at a beach side shack near Pescara.
Ok, it isn’t exactly a shack, but it’s not much more than a counter and some wooden picnic tables. And fish. Lots and lots and lots of fish.
Le Frit C’Est Chic may win an award for the the most ridiculous name ever, but as it turns out it’s also won some awards for fried fish. What started out as a fried fish stand selling paper cones filled with fried shrimp and calamari has turned into a only slightly more sophisticated tavola calda serving over 3000 people a day on their way to and from the nearby beach.
There is still a little roadside counter where you can skip the line to grab your paper cone filled with fried stuff, but better to head inside, sidle up with the barely clad locals, and choose a plastic plate full of fish, and take your tray to one of the outside tables.
Sorry for the photo overload here, but there were so many great dishes, that I couldn’t properly edit any out. Yes, there is the straight up fritto misto which they are known for. Served piping hot, with a wedge of lemon, it’s liberally salted and crispy good. The ultimate beach food.
But what stole my heard were all their other dishes, some of which were very inventive. What I loved was the way they managed to mix in vegetables. Fried shrimp were served with either fried slices of potato or – my favorite – disks of zucchini. Marinated anchovies were served on a thick bed of spicy arugula which was in no way only garnish. One platter of fishies was topped with thick slices of red onion, but my favorite new discovery was their spicy version: marinated anchovies were tossed with what seemed like WAY too much dried red pepper, then laid atop aurgula with a scattering of briny black olives. Amazing, perfect and you should definitely try this at home. Don’t let the amount of red pepper scare you. Somehow it works.
The seafood salads were equally veggie-centric. One version of octopus salad came, as is traditional, with as many potatoes as tentacles. But their other version switches in barely boiled zucchini which was excellent.
While I realize that using equal amounts of vegetables in the fish mix is a way to keep prices down (and this place could easily be re-babtized Le Frit c’est Cheap) it is, I think, I brilliant, healthy and delicious approach to fish eating. Especially in the summer when we are all drowning in zucchini. So yes, try this at home. But even better? Make your way to the beach in Abruzzo if you can.
Le Frit C’Est Chic
Via Frentana 27/28
Marina di San Vito
We went for lunch on a weekday about 2pm, but I have a feeling it gets crazy crowded on weekends and on evenings during the summer.
I visited Le Frit C’Est Chic while on a press trip sponsored by pasta makers Rustichella d’Abruzzo and was invited by Manicaretti Importers.
For more information on dining in Italy download my app, EAT ITALY. EAT ITALY is a free app, and contains guides to Venice, Milan, Rome, Florence and Umbria (and an ever expanding list of regions and cities) available as in-app purchases for both iPhone and iPad.
I will definitely do the anchovies and olives and arugala this weekend at our beach club. I can hardly wait. Thank you!
Please don’t ever apologize for too many pictures. I love your photo’s and salivate looking at and enjoying each and every one.
Lynn Marie
Looks like a great spot, but when it is in Abruzzo, it’s probably more close to Pescara then Pesaro 😉
Damn that auto-correct! Thanks for the catch, will change it now.
I am sorry – though – Pesaro would have been much closer to my place! Those pictures make me want to go there now…
I never saw restaurant preparations as wonderful-looking as those in your photos. I’d love to visit the Abbruzo & wonder if the sights rival the food. Though good seafood, alone, could make a trip worthwhile.
There’s not a ton to see site wise, but the landscape and architecture are gorgeous.