I’m writing this post from Umbria, where two nights ago we were woken up in the middle of the night by the strong tremors that wrought devastation 100 kilometers south of us. We were lucky. We only lost a night’s sleep.
The area where the regions of Lazio, Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo meet has been devastated. The historic village of Amatrice has been virtually flattened, as have many smaller towns in the region. And it’s still not known how scattered stone houses that dot the countryside have fared.
Many have asked me on social media how they can help. For now the best way to help from afar is to donate to the Italian Red Cross.
The Croce Rossa Italiana has set up a special account.
The IBAN number is:
Beneficiary: Associazione italiana della Croce Rossa
In the description write: Terremoto Centro Italia
You can also make a donation to the Croce Rosso with your credit card or paypal here.
Many restaurants are beginning to raise funds for the victims by offering the Amatrice’s namesake dish, Amatriciana, at their restaurants, with the profits going to the area’s victims. For now I know specifically of :
New York:
Maialino and Marta in New York, who will be doing this next week.
If you know of any other fundraising events, please comment below and I will update this post.
Also, I don’t usually ask you to share my posts on social media, but obviously this one needs sharing. Grazie.
Slowfood launches appeal to restaurants around the world put Amatriciana on their menus and donate the proceeds for an entire year to the Earthquake victims. Here is the link for how to participate. In the next few days a list of participating restaurants will be published on the Slowfood website.
Here is a list of restaurants in New York that are donating portions of Amatriciana.
Elizabeth and your readers, here is another site http://www.ItalianAmericanRelief.org It is tragic.
Another restaurant in New York, Rafele Ristorante, is doing the same with their dish – pasta all’amatriciana.
thanks for posting this – I was hoping you would!
I also read that Jamie Oliver is donating via those you order Amatrianciana dishes at his restaurants in England.
Thanks for the above and the information on Croce Rossa. So heartbreaking. Have been thinking of you–having been thinking of Italia.
Not only am I sharing the post on Facebook but also including the contributions portion on my own blog. We are in Pontelandolfo (BN) and too far south to really feel anything. When I woke up to the news my heart broke. Thank you for posting this information.
Last night I donated to the Italian American Relief Fund, https://www.italianamericanrelief.org, and at that time there was $9,400 raised. As of 5 PM, EDT, the total is now $49,000
Than you for adding this link Jerry
Dear Elizabeth, I’ve been thinking of you and your family and praying that you are safe. I knew you’d be in touch as soon as you could. I will make a donation to the Red Cross and continue praying. God bless you and your neighbors across the countryside. Love, Kathy xox
I just watched a rescue team pull a young girl from the wreckage. Sad that so many good people have perished and villages were destroyed. Italy is my favorite place to visit, also my mother and grandparents’ birthplace. I’m saying prayers for Italy.
I’m an american living in Rome and I have towels, toiletries etc. to donate. Where are they collecting for donations? Is there a specific list on line of what they are in need of?
I just posted a list of drop off points on my FB page
http://www.angeliniosteria.com/ Is another restaurant with an Amatriciana fund, in Los Angeles.
The Canadian Red Cross is also accepting donations.
Hi Elizabeth et al,
Thanks for sharing ways to donate, since I refuse to use PayPal, i used http://www.ItalianAmericanRelief.org which allowed me to use my credit card. They ask on their site who directed me to the site, and I would have used your blog, but it wasn’t on the list. But, they said for you to contact them to add your name to the list.
We will be thinking of the earthquake victims and all of Italian friends with love.
In Umbria, Agriturismo Calagrana -upper Tiber Valley – is serving only Amatriciana for their Primi today. Donating proceeds to Red Cross.
Elizabeth, I’ve published some names and links of restaurants in major U.S. cities that are doing the Amatriciana for Amatrice promotion. Let me know how to get you the link to my blog so you can copy and paste. I don’t want to post it here since it may go to spam.
Thank you,
Deborah Dal Fovo
As the situation is still going on, we just made a donation from various clients that visit our gallery in California. We have a show once a year featuring works painted in Umbria by my husband. This year’s opening for the Umbria show seemed a perfect time to raise some much needed cash for the cause. We hope to send more in the future, and thank you so much for having a link to the site. It made it very easy to donate.
I’m very happy to hear you are raising funds as well as awareness.